Friday, July 2, 2021

Some links

 Not sure if any of you are still reading this blog, but 3D exercises like this are super useful so I thought I'd post it:

Also CaneT recently posted this tutorial they made:

I picked it up and started going through it.  It's for zbrush and will require a basic understanding of the program but his hard surface workflow is solid.  There's a few points where shortcuts he mentions are different but otherwise its really helped my zbrush workflow significantly.  Check it out if you're interested!  See you guys in a week or so!

Friday, June 18, 2021

HW10 Kobe bekoe

Could only do  a painting over one of the bows still unsure about the floral element near the  golden curve

And I also don't know about how prominent the grip has become in the painting with all the elements meeting it

HW_10_Wes Fraser


Thursday, June 17, 2021

Blender Tutorials

 Hey everyone,

Sorry for the late post, I talked with my peers and they were recommending Arrimus 3D on youtube for blender tutorials.  He does a good job in his intro videos at going over the vanilla version of the software and has lots of really good exercises in his latest videos (over the past year) to get you experimenting with sub D which is where the real fun stuff comes in.  Check him out here: ARRIMUS 3D